Sunday, April 18, 2010

Malaysian University English Test

Here are some information and format I want to share for those who takes MUET this coming 24th April..

Question 1(Report Writing)
Question 2(Argumentative)

Tips for writing a report:
~Use past tense
~Use precise sentences/straight forward point
~Use all information given in data especially about number,statistic or any related information
~150-200 words only
~About 3 paragraphs only
~Analysis made of information in the graph but no link to information in the text box
~Don't make any assumption
~Don't put any irrelevant information
~Consists of :
~Title(optional),Introduction/Overview/Overall Trend
~Key Features,Analysis and Synthesis of data(Numbers/Trends/Changes)
eg:Bus-increased from 25% in 1950 to 35% in 1975,then dropped in 2000
eg:Concern raised by Minister for commuters to car-pool,cycle or take a train to work to protect  the environment and lead a healthy lifestyle.

~Consists of 3 parts:Part 1,part2 and part 3
~Part 1&3 will be read in sequence but not for part 2
~British slang

Individual & Group disscussion

*these are just some information about MUET I can share.If you have any more information about MUET,please let me know..SHARING IS CARING..=)
For reading are quite same with  our test in CFS..
P/s: Good Luck for those who are taking MUET for this time..


Friday, April 16, 2010

Mobile phones are essential for school children

Nowadays,usage of mobile phones are very important for everyone.The advancement of technology has brought for us mobile phones which have multifunction.So,it is very important to have a mobile phone for everyone today.Therefore it is agrees that mobile phones are essential for school children as it is easy to communicate with their parents,to reveal the knowledge of technology since children and it can build the confidence of children.

The most important point why mobile phone are essential for school children as it is easy for children to communicate with their parents.Sometimes,their parents are busy and they tend to forget to fetch their children at school.Therefore,by using mobile phones,children can remind their parents by sending message or calling them.Other than that,children also can update with their parents if their class will cancel or not.So,it is  easy for them to keep in touch with their parents even if their parents are busy working.As all know,today's environment is not very safe, so they can also call or message their parents if they feel uncomfortable with someone they meet.So,mobile phones are essential for school children.

As the world is approaching to 2020,the advancement of technology also change rapidly, so children also not escape from this changing.The second point which related to this statement is to reveal knowledge of technology since children.The advancement of technology also is a part of learning material that can be included in our education system.Therefore,they also want to try the advancement in technology by using mobile phones.In this case,using mobile phones among school children is like to test and feel the power of technology by themselves.Based on the above reasons, it is agree that mobile phones are essential for school children.
The third point, is to build the confidence level among school children.By using mobile phones,sometimes can make children feel independent to manage their own life.There are many problems among children as they cannot tell their parents by face to face, so with using Mobile phones they have the confidence to tell their parents as they can text and calling.There are children who are not well-performed in their study but they are very good about the technology and using mobile phones.So, this can build high confidence level inside themselves.

As a conclusions,mobile phones are essential for school children...

~this is my preparation for Writing Test MUET~
P/S:if u see any mistake plese leave your comment and correct it!!tq=)


Math 3 vs Introduction to the Internet

Time:Short Sem@Sem 3
Duration:9 weeks (including revision weeks)

I'm am here for this short semester to study only 2 subjects which are Math3(Calcalus) and Introduction to the Internet..Eventhought  just 2 subjects but the situation are totally different from one long semester..CFS seems to be very silent as I never predict it will happen like this.Yes I'm imformed that STAD does not give any permission for any particular activities but can you imagine how I feel when last semester I was very busy with many activities I participated in INTECHSS but now I just to be as an ordinary students which have many time and too much time..

Back to the topic...
Math 3 VS Introduction to the Internet..
These are how I feel when I am in mathematics class,some chapter make me suffering a lot,but still I can say I like to solve the questions,even it takes my time a lot for solving only one question.When I was in mathematic class I feel so eager to finish the class early as I am exhausted with many DIFFERENTATION,LIMIT and so long equations...hehehe..sorry yar madam Azizah,I know you will feel uncomfortable if you know my statements but INSYAALLAH I try my best to get A..I will never give up to try this...

This is how I feel when I am in internet class.Time is very precious as it goes so fast as I still don't want to out from the class...Yes it is fun to learn new things and new chapter which is HTML..I am exciting to know more about HTML and all those thins about JAVASCRIPT and many more..

The combination of both subjects are very nice as I can divide and manage my time very well.InsyaAllah whatever happen I will keep my effort to the LIMIT and try my best to performed well in my final to get both A...please pray for me yar all my beloved friends and lecturers....


Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Beginner!!!

Assalamualaikum(peace be upon to all of you as my visitors)

The making of this blog as to satisfy the task of my second assignment of The Introduction to The Internet subject(IFM 2133)...I'm taking this subject and also Calculus (Math 3)..As the beginner of a blogger I'm trying to make this site more interesting and more educated information about the meaning of life as a student in Centre for Foundation Study International Islamic University...

23 March 2009
...........The story begins..........

I'm here as a new student in CFSIIUM.I don't know why I have been chosen to be here,but this is my decision to be here..I filled up the form(UPU) and I choose all 8 choices is IIUM...I'm starting to have this desire to be here since I was form 4 in MJSC Pendang..The first time to be here when I was participated in Inter school Debating Championship 2007..I feel an amazing and wonderful situation as I was in IIUM Gombak as I can see here there are many foreigner and also I admire the design of every single building in IIUM Gombak......

.........Before I know IIUM.....
Since I was form 4 also,I have the intention to study overseas and my target university is Limkokwing University..I have an ambition to be a film producer,so that's why I'm going to have a dream to be a student in Limkokwing as I have a senior there who studied multimedia..He told me about what his studied there and also he introduced me the ICT course....
......An Ict-ian......
So now I am an ict-ian but not as a Limkokwing's student but as a CFSIIUM's student.I already found the answers why I am here.But at this moment while I'm typing all this story I still cannot explain but praise to Allah as He decides me to be here..Now, I'm in sem3(short sem),it is
rushing and everything is going to be very fast..There still have 2weeks to go before final..And I hope I will score the BEST in IFM2133 and also to push beyond the LIMIT while I'm studying math 3..(hard core ...subject..)..

~May Allah Bless us~